Cover Crazy #2

Cover Crazy is a weekly meme hosted by The Book Worms on Mondays. The idea is to showcase book covers that draw your attention. This week i am crazy about...

Roses and Bones: Myths, Tales, and Secrets 
Roses and Goblins by Francesa Lia Block. The cover is an interesting one, not the intriguing types with the model tantalizing you but in another way. It drew my attention, especially the green eyeshadow and the pink lipstick! The green highlights and the bold combination- pixie-ish combination!Her pink lips have a pout though or maybe she has braces..(no offence meant). She is a pretty girl, though i am not sure what the cover has to do with the story. The synopsis i found on Goodreads and Harper Teens were pretty vague. Something about a girl who gets involved in a mix of worlds dealing with myths, gods, demons etc. Hmmm, doesn't sound exciting to read to me but the cover is beautiful, so maybe this time i should judge the book by its cover..hehe..

Which cover are you Crazy about this week?


  1. Wow! This is a stunning cover for sure!

  2. Wow, what an excellent use of color! I don't usually like this author's books, but I'm tempted to give it a try by the cover alone.

  3. I wonder what color eyes are behind those green lids..


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