My Misadventures as Teenage Rock Star by Joyce Raskin


                            My Misadventures as a Teenage Rock Star

"Rock ’n’ roll isn’t just about sex and drugs. It’s about self-expression, lasting friendships, and self-empowerment. That’s what Alex learns after she starts playing bass for a rock band in this almost true story. Joyce Raskin, author and musician, culls from her memories to create this funny, touching, and honest look at what it’s like to be a teenager, a girl, and a rock star all at the same time. "

I read it off NetGalley sometime last week. It was a really short and simple story- 14 year old Alex is the typical teen with image issues ,insecurity and crushes. Her story is a short one- her brother asks her to join a band as a bass player.And she does out of daze and confusion. It turns out to be a lot more fun than she anticipates. And the story as the title suggests is about her adventure as one or should i say "misadventures". The plot and writing was very plain, it was more informative than story telling which put me off. I still finished the book but i didn't like it too much. 
It talks about Alex and her boyfriend, fame, touring, drugs, boys and other such issues. I guess its like a good general guide on this theme-teen rock star-ness. 
The characters were nice, they engaged me; i don't have a favorite though-not even the protagonist.
It was funny how the book spoke of teen mishaps and crisis such as boys, drugs,fame etc like mundane things of life. That is very unlike other teen novels, which make either one of this a huge deal. This wasn't a bad thing just funny observation! 
I would give it a 2 on 5 for its cute illustrations and nice characters.
Something you should read if you need to entertain yourself while waiting somewhere or if you need more books on your DAC list..hehe...


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