Productivity levels: Hans Zimmer music

Its day two on my accountability schedule for the next three weeks. 

I set a small and easy to achieve goal. My thesis requirement in terms of textual submission is pretty "easy" according to some thesis experts I have interacted with. We are expected to turn in a minimum of 25 pages and the format is very loose. Instead the real challenge is producing a piece of work directly related to the field of journalism in the form of a project. The "thesis" is mostly documenting the process and thought behind this main project. 

Any who so today I managed to find the will to wake up, crawl out of bed even though I could have easily taken the day off and "worked on my thesis". Instead I drank two cups of coffee, which honestly did not work, and sent a million long over due emails out. Planned out some parts of the upcoming week and then saved thesis work for the end of  the day. I procrastinated the crap out of getting to this point. I did "other, more important work" instead all day. It was fun. I felt very accomplished. 

I treated myself by eating sushi in the park, drinking a mango and honeydew smoothie and reading a book. Jeez look at me doing three things at once even during lunch break. So much productivity. It was 51 degrees (Fahrenheit) today so I got to be expressive about my mood with my clothes. No, of course I didn't wear all black, I mixed in some blue and white. Ha! 

I also lead a staff meeting for the school newspaper I worked and then took the train home. Finally at 9:00 pm I found the will to churn out a five page introduction to my thesis idea. I outlined the goals and how I planned to accomplish them. 

Overall I think today was satisfactory progress, I didn't do everything on my to-do list but I did like 70% and then even did some of the things I added later on in the day. Maybe tomorrow I will try to lesser but more intensive things. Today the theme was time sensitivity I think which gives me a lot anxiety. 

I despise deadlines from the bottom of my feet all the way to the tips of my hair, I really do. 

But I finally emailed a draft to my readers which means I've made some progress. Wee hoo. 


♪ Two Door Cinema Club- What You Know


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