No figs left to give

Day seven, eight, nine, ten is here.

Major Crimes & Unicorns (link below)

Day seven was flow day. I got some ideas running, I got an outline for the talk I was going to be giving at my presentation. I also had a tighter framework within which I was working for my thesis. But that aside I was kind of ded. Tired.

I was supposed to print a demo book but I didn't because I hit a roadblock with the design. So I am kind of bummed. Instead I had some critiques in between that helped me out of the muck I was sitting in with my thesis ideas. Its a lot like swimming in the ocean at this point. The course has been charted, the equipment loaded and now I just got to get there. And keep swimming, one arm after the other, pushing no cutting through the water, kicking, so I can get to the end.

Sometimes this feel miserable and like it will never end and there is so much I could have done if I started sooner or made more time for it or was less tired or less sleepy or less hungry or was doing just this 24/7. And thinking about that drives me insane but also I realize slows me down from doing any work altogether. I suppose thats the lesson here. So I have to kick and scream through it.

Now I have a new goal which is tying loose ends. I've decide to turn in my thesis slightly later than the library deadline so I can work on it not under an arbitrary time crunch. This is a deadline of my choosing and I intend to abide by it. So tonight I am going to clean house (literally cause Spring is finally here) but also make a revised strategy for the final stage of this project. Hopefully this time I can account for like real life issues such as exhaustion and research fatigue.

To keep with the swimming metaphor (because water sign) I also got to use my limited vision to navigate and efficiently use my energy. So I can cover most distance with least energy used. Like a marathon strategy of evening out how much energy I use versus expelling it all once or even waste it on frustration at this point. Honestly that's where I am at. Too tired to be upset or doing the crying over spilt milk deal.

Day eleven here I come.
Oh also just so I can commemorate this event years later, I cut my hair. New me. Shedding the past.

                         via GIPHY


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