1 Million Things to do to try and fall asleep

1. If its the ye old days and you still enjoy a good bedtime read then scooch on over and onto your pillow and read a book. 2. Count sheep while you are at it. 3. Listen to stories on the Calm app or Headspace meditations, depending on your preference. 4. Try this episode on Dreams by Kaitlin Prest for  The Heart. 5. Listen to a few others. 6. Listen to lo-fi music Lo-fi stands for low fidelity by the way. It's a lower audio quality but also more relaxed, slower tempo.

7. Hop on brainpicking for some time and skim or read or click on images and links endlessly.
8. Try writing in your journal, a piece of paper, any notebook really for sometime. 9. Sketch your night stand. 10. Write a letter to someone on a different planet.

  Dear strange goober, 
I'm bored. Its nighttime, that means the world is asleep right now. Just one part of the world, the one that gets moonlight not sunlight. Asleep means to close your eyes and dream of distant places like your planet. 
from my planet.

 a different planet.

Did it work? Are you asleep yet?


11. If not, try making yourself some tea. 

Although maybe it's the first thing you did before 12. slipping into something comfortable and under your sheets. Some people prefer hot milk. 13. I don't, I do prefer hot baths though. Try that?

14. Light a candle, that could be dangerous, maybe don't. 15. Call a friend who lives on the other side of the planet. Talk for a while. 16. Watch videos by the School of Life 17. Write a short story or read some of mine, subscribe here. 18. Read old text messages or old diary entries. Maybe an old email you wrote. 19. Look at photos on your phone. Maybe clean your desktop. Organize it. 20. Get a headstart, draft emails. Don't press send you don't want to give people the wrong idea– that you can be contacted by email late at night. Especially colleagues. Because you can't. You are supposed to be asleep, remember? 

21. Look up cures for insomnia. 22. Hit up that other friend who said they were an insomniac too. Trade tips and stories for a bit. Still awake? 23. Drink some water, stay hydrated. Dehydration sometimes makes it hard to sleep. 

24. Look at cute cat gifs  

25. Organize your bedside table. Adjust you blanket and pillow. 26. Stare into space. 27. Try the close your eyes for a while trick. 28. Take deep breaths. 29. Step away from the computer. All devices. iPads and phones too. 30. Resort to devices. 

31. If you are anxious, promise yourself tomorrow you will spend an hour being anxious. You will have a face to face, one on one personal meeting, you will make notes and offer constructive feedback and really listen the whole time. 32. Also promise yourself you will get everything on the to-do list done. 33. Close eyes and deep breath. 34. Join a chatroom situation. 

no? Still there...

35. Listen to some music or white noise. 36. Switch sleeping positions. 37. Use a heating pad or heated blanket, sometimes piling on two blankets helps; especially if you are an anxious person. 38. Invest in better pillows and sheets. 39. Try a hot shower or long relaxing bath.

40. Watch some lectures, it's time to be productive at this point.

41. Listen to NTS Radio, explore their playlists, shows and genres. Find one that calms you down or inspires you 42. Make your music. Its super easy, walk around and collect some sounds on your voice recorder app. Load them into Adobe Audition or Garage band and mix them up like I did here. 43. If you don't know how to use either of those programs, now is the time to learn. Find a Youtube tutorial. Make notes. 44. Surf the internet. Remember the good old days of exploring? Type in something random and click around. Go down a rabbit hole, now is the time.


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