12 Books & Movies to help combat Travel Blues
Prologue: This is a travel pitch that most publications do not seem to want so I've just decided to post it on my blog. ---- As someone who plans her entire life around travel, meeting news people and just trying to stay in a constant state of moving, this isolation has really ruined things for me. At the same time, it has also forced me to slow down and really focus on the few things that I want out of travel- scenic views, be able to pay attention to details again, the little pointless things and journeys. Through film, music, books and some online resources I have slowly reconstructed travel for myself from the comfort of my bed and luxury of pajamas (no, not lululemons, really old shorts.) I began this journey trying to finish a book by Anjum Hasan called (1) The Cosmopolitans . When I interned at the Caravan, I attended the book launch but did not get around to reading it until a few weeks ago. Set in Bangalore, it comments on a society that is hard to find or a...